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Hey, this was a really good game!! Me ha encantado. Jugaré el capítulo 2 y 3 para ver como acaba!! Dejo gameplay, espero lo disfrutes

Gracias por jugarlo mister, si tienes algun problema con alguna parte no dudes en avisarme +___*

Deleted 329 days ago

I'm glad mister, feel free to ask me if you have problems of any kind. *__+

(1 edit) (+1)

I really like this game man keep doing what your doing, I really think your a great dev! There were some good scares in this game! I remember you wrote a comment on one of my videos to play these games when I played dismember mind! I honestly wish I could've gotten to these games sooner but I had a big challenge video that I had to work on. I already played the other two "my eyes inside out" games as I'm making this comment. I'm working on making those videos as well in the next couple of weeks! 


I am passionate that you liked this trilogy there, I really appreciate that you have played it, I would love to see the videos, if you liked Angela's character, in insanity souls 2 she will have a cameo, a hug mister *___+


love the game cannot wait to play the other ones keep up the excellent workman

Thank you very much for playing it, if you liked this one, the other two will freak you out, enjoy them *0*


Hey! It's me again. First , here it goes! I liked this one as well. I just thought when I was rendering: This adversaries wasn't zombies, was it? Because I noticed at the second ending (good) these creatures, at least that last one, was sentient. She doesn't war you if you have a date ring. It was, to me, of course, as she kept into her mind her living mementos. Like if her trapped inside ("My Eyes Inside) watching the outside with her previous feelings (Out), so I understood what meant "My Eyes Inside Out". Well, I get concluded it in this chapter, I'll keep going to others. We'll have a "ReveVoodoo's Month". hahahaha Thanks again, this gameplay was delightful and within few text you hit me to reflect about the ending.

They are not zombies in this one, (Yet) in the following ones it is better understood why, especially in the last one the title "My Eyes Inside Out" is understood but you are not too wrong, thank you very much for playing it, I am honored that you have a month reveVoodoo hahahaha


Nice, today I get in study the Chapter 2. I will pay more attention at the storyline, I warm myself to face out "Dismembered Mind".  I hope I may comprehend the story. Ah, yes, I put in my agenda ReveVoodoo's Month. hahahaha I pretty enjoyed and delighted in the games. <3

I'm glad you like them, I'm flattered that you try them, dismember mind doesn't have a very convoluted story, just enjoy hahahha

Uncommented gameplay!

Esta excelente el juego y su historia increíble.  Mi gran error fue no llevarme el anillo y lo usaba solamente para orientarme por el sub suelo y tuve la oportunidad de recogerlo pero por perezoso no lo agarre.  En fin el juego esta increíble 10/10 

Me alegro que te guste, quizas te interese saber que es una trilogia, gracias por jugarlo mister *___+


Had to start from the beginning if I wanted to play your newest release, the game was fun and I did go back through to get both of the endings. The fact that the enemies can be such a threat, I don’t think I have had another game where I had to directly unload into an enemies face that was inches away. It really created some distressed moments as I spammed those bullets.

Looking forward to playing the rest of the series.

I am very glad that you are interested in this series, I liked your video, I love how you comment, thanks for play *___+


I love this its good!! >o<

thenks mister *___+


Good! ❤️


Thenks +___*






Thenks for play *___+


Pleased to do the first chapter now, I will try to get there first for Chapter 3 too.  Merry Christmas.

YouTuber:  Fellowplayer

I appreciate your attention, thanks for playing them, Merry Christmas mister * ___ +


Magnificent! ❤️


Very thenks mr flu +___*



Thenkius for play +___*

Deleted 2 years ago

ups, "-" Hahaha thenks for play my men +___*

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thenks men,you awesome play all games *___+

idk why but i cant turn the camera

make sure you don't have a remote connected, try changing the settings from the pause menu and tell me if it continues without working

i figured it out, i had to restart the game i appreciate the swift reply though


Damn, this game's scary as hell, dude! Those creepers in the hallways scared me good every time they jumped out haha. The cutscenes are badass too, I always love that in your games. I had a problem with the gun not working at times but was able to fix it by dropping it and picking it back up. Thanks for the fun, my man!


It makes me happy that you liked it there and that you play it, I always like to watch your videos, thanks for playing it brother + ___ *


Great Job Reve! This game is my favourite! Greetings from Argentina!

graande, me alegro mucho que te guste, agradezco que lo jueges mister, un abrazo grande +___*


Cool game! Good luck with its future development. One thing is for sure...Angela needs to wash her car.

hahahaha reallyrue, although everything in this chapter requires a shower, thanks or your comment my men


Very good game support!

(1 edit)

I appreciate men,thenks *___+


Great game! Looking forward to playing the other chapters.

I'm glad you like it mister, thanks for playing it * ___ +


hey it was a nice shot even though i havnt played much of it but that was mainly cuz there was no save option :D

apart from that i made a video about it and i hope you enjoy it only as entertainment and you can ignore my rambling in the end of it :D

Just that you have played it, you deserve my thanks * ___ +, I really like to hear the opinions

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HOLLLA BROOOOO ... great jobs ... i rember PROJECT ONNE i have play old acc youtube ...damn ... change lot story ;D

HEY sis,It is the same universe, but another protagonist, thank you very much for playing it beauty *________+

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OK ;d but old she Angelina Jolie  ;P locooooo voooodooo 



yas hahaha bravo