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Really enjoyed this one! This video is soo long overdue for it to come out but I still enjoyed. Loved the bike the most from this game lol...


I'm glad you liked it, mister. I also love long videos. Thanks for playing it. *__-


Y llegó el día del último capítulo. Tengo que felicitarte porque has ido a más en cada capítulo. Me ha encantado y he disfrutado mucho de la historia.

A ver que saga empiezo ahora ya que tus juegos me encantan!

Me alegra el dia saber que gente como tu los disfruta,gracias por interesarte por tantos Mister *___+,puedo recomendarte Dismember mind,insanity souls,lopenna remake,incluso necrocage,aparte de esos los demas ya no son tan chulos


Great game, my friend! I always love the stories you tell. And thanks for updating it so fast so I could finish it! I appreciate all of your hard work over the years!


It's a pleasure if you've finally been able to enjoy it, I'm flattered and glad that you still like it, my friend. Thank you very much for finishing it, you always make good content and opportunities for indie games, a hug mister +___


Hello again, thanks to your advice I was able to play this game until the end, very good, I enjoyed it a lot, I beg you to please subscribe to my channel, please, for me it is very important, I leave you the full gameplay

Thanks for another try, good luck with the channel, my friend *___*

Gracias, un saludo!!


A good game, congratulations to the creators of this game, the story is very good, I want the creators of

this game to subscribe to my channel please, thank you, happy holidays, greetings from Spain
(1 edit)

very kind friend, thank you for play i glad you liked happy holidays and a hug from spain too+___*

I don't know if I ran into a problem, or maybe I'm just doing it wrong or don't have everything I need for this part.. But does the medallion go in that spot? I already have the 4 gold blocks in above it but I don't know what to do next. Been playing for more than 2 hours haha

Deleted 114 days ago

Damn,You put the 4 blocks up and the doors didn't open? It's my problem then, I have to fix it, sorry to waste your time mister

It's all good, my man! Let me know when you fix it and I'll keep going. Please make it so I can use previous saves in the new version though. I'm too far to start all over haha


It's strange, I can't find that error, I'm trying it and it works fine, do you have the 4 golden blocks above?

Yeah I have all 4. Is there something that I'm supposed to do that I might have missed?


I think I know what happened, you put some and when dead or loading the game, the puzzle it resets, then you went back to put the missing ones but the door only detects the ones you put after loading, does that make sense? Sorry for all this friend, I'm already working on it, if that were the problem hahahaha



Holy shit,don work the saves?,thankyou for play super sis +__+

i want die ahahah have lost save ahahh ;D yes bro dont save meeeeeeee ! kill u vooddoo MOTOSEGA FOR U SMACK

Yas queen kill me &__&,i see you video,no mutch saves becose broken the game , in this area only one more but in other way,sorry sis T__T


;D no problem, happy help my bro :D and you vooodoooo inmortal ahahah impossibile kill u with my motosega ahaahah

And I'm glad you played it *___+, and being immortal for your motosega hahaha, sounds very epic